Instructions for the Completion of
FAA Form 8130-6

The applicant or authorized agent must complete sections I through IV, as applicable, for the type of airworthiness certificate being requested. If the application is for a special flight permit only, sections II and VI, or II and VII, as applicable, must be filled out. For production flight testing of light-sport category aircraft, sections I, II, and V must be completed. The following instructions and explanations apply for entries that are not clearly self-explanatory:

SECTION I. AIRCRAFT DESCRIPTION. The FAA must verify the applicant’s entries from the aircraft registration certificate, aircraft ID plate, TCDS, and/or aircraft specification sheet.

NOTE: This section is not completed when an application is being made for a special flight permit.

Registration Mark. Enter the U.S. nationality designator (the letter “N”) followed by the registration marks as shown on the aircraft registration certificate.

Aircraft Builder’s Name (Make). Enter the name of the builder or manufacturer as it appears on the aircraft ID plate in accordance with FAR 45.13(a)(1).

1 For amateur-built aircraft, the aircraft make is the name of the builder. When two or more persons are involved, enter only the name of the individual listed first on the aircraft ID plate.

2 For LSA assembled from an LSA manufacturer’s kit, the builder’s name is that of the manufacturer who is identified on the statement of compliance, Form 8130-15.

3 For aircraft built from spare and/or surplus parts, the builder’s name is that of the person who assembled the aircraft, not that of the TC owner/manufacturer who builds the same model of aircraft.

4 For surplus military aircraft (not assembled from spare and/or surplus parts), the builder’s name must be as listed on the TCDS.

Aircraft Model Designation. Enter the model designation as shown on the aircraft ID plate in accordance with FAR 45.13(a)(2). Trade names must not be used.

1 If the application is for a surplus military aircraft, enter the civil model designation and put the military model designation in parentheses. If the TC was issued under FAR 21.27, the military model designation becomes the civil model designation.

2 For aircraft built from spare and/or surplus parts, the model designation is that of the aircraft type design to which the applicant shows conformity.

3 For surplus military aircraft type-certificated under FAR 21.25(a)(2) in the restricted category, only the military designation will be used.

4 For amateur-built aircraft, the model may be any arbitrary designation as selected by the builder. If the aircraft was purchased as a kit, the model designation assigned by the kit manufacturer should be used.

Year of Manufacture. Enter the year of manufacture if shown on the aircraft ID plate or as reflected in the aircraft’s records.

1 For aircraft eligible for standard airworthiness certificates, the year of manufacture is the date (entered by the manufacturer) in the inspection records that reflects when the aircraft was completed and met the FAA-approved type design data.

2 For aircraft other than the above, the year of manufacture is the date entered by the builder in the inspection records or logbook establishing that the aircraft is airworthy and eligible for the certificate requested.

3 For LSA, the year of manufacture is the date entered by the manufacturer in the statement of compliance or by the builder in the inspection records or logbook establishing that the aircraft is eligible for the certificate requested.

Aircraft Serial Number. Enter the serial number as shown on the aircraft ID plate in accordance with FAR 45.13(a)(3).

1 For surplus military aircraft, enter the manufacturer’s civil serial number. The military serial number must be placed in parentheses following the civil serial number. If no civil serial number exists, enter the military number.

2 For aircraft built from spare and/or surplus parts, enter the serial number assigned by the builder. That number should not be confused with the serial number assigned by an original manufacturer who builds the same type of aircraft under a production approval. It is suggested that a letter prefix or suffix, such as the builder’s name or initials, be used with the serial number to provide for positive identification.

3 For amateur-built aircraft, fabricated and assembled from plans or the builder’s own design, the serial number may be any arbitrary number assigned by the builder. For any aircraft fabricated and assembled from a kit, the aircraft should be identified by the serial number assigned by the kit manufacturer or supplier.

Engine Builder’s Name (Make). The engine make is the name of the manufacturer as it appears on the engine ID plate in accordance with FAR 45.13(a)(1). Abbreviations may be used, for example, “P&W,” “GE,” “CMC,” etc. When no engines are installed, as in the case of the glider or balloon, enter “N/A.”

Engine Model Designation. When engine(s) are installed, enter the complete designation as shown on the engine ID plate; for example, “O-320-A1B,” “PT6A-20A,” or “CFM-56-3C-1,” in accordance with FAR 45.13(a)(2).

Number of Engines. When applicable, enter the number of engines installed on the aircraft.

Propeller Builder’s Name (Make). Enter the name of the manufacturer as shown on the propeller identification marking. Enter “N/A” if propellers are not installed.(Reference FAR 45.13(a)(1).)

Propeller Model Designation. When applicable, enter the model designation as shown on the propeller identification marking.

Aircraft Is Import. This block must be checked only if the aircraft was manufactured outside the United States and certificated under FAR 21.29, and the applicant is seeking airworthiness certification under FAR 21.183(c), or under FAR 21.190(d) when an LSA is eligible for an airworthiness certification, flight authorization, or other similar certification in its country of manufacture.

SECTION II. CERTIFICATION REQUESTED. The following paragraphs refer to the applicable 14 CFR references for standard and special airworthiness certificates and aid in the completion of FAA Form 8130-6:

Item A. Standard Airworthiness Certificate. This certificate is issued to type-certificated aircraft in the normal, utility, acrobatic, transport, commuter, and manned free balloon categories; and for special classes of aircraft. Special class aircraft include gliders, airships, and other non-conventional aircraft. Special class application would be indicated by marking the Standard and Other blocks (section II (A) of the application), and entering the type, (for example, glider, VLA, airship, etc.) in the blank space directly above the category blocks. For aircraft type-certificated before the adoption of categories, enter in the open space above the category blocks the basis for certification as shown in that aircraft’s TCDS or specification sheet (for example, Category N/A - Certification basis CAR 04 A (Civil Air Regulations part 4a)). Applicable regulations are as follows:

1 FAR 21.183(a), New aircraft manufactured under a production certificate;

2 FAR 21.183(b), New aircraft manufactured under a type certificate only;

3 FAR 21.183(c), Import aircraft;

4 FAR 21.183(d), Used aircraft and surplus aircraft of the U.S. Armed Forces; and

5 FAR 21.183(h), New aircraft manufactured under the provisions of FAR 21.6(b).

Item B. Special Airworthiness Certificate. This certificate is issued to aircraft that do not meet the requirements for a standard airworthiness certificate. Special airworthiness certificates are identified as primary, limited, provisional, restricted, experimental, and special flight permit. Applicable regulations are as follows:

1 Primary Airworthiness Certificate.FAR 21.184(a), New primary category aircraft manufactured under a production certificate;FAR 21.184(b), Imported aircraft;FAR 21.184(c), Aircraft having a current standard airworthiness certificate; and FAR 21.184(d), Other aircraft.

2 Light-Sport Airworthiness Certificate. Section 21.190, Issue of airworthiness certificate for LSA category.

3 Limited Airworthiness Certificate. Section 21.189, Issue of airworthiness certificate for limited category aircraft.

4 Provisional Airworthiness Certificate.FAR 21.221, Class I provisional airworthiness certificates (may be issued for all categories); and FAR 21.223, Class II provisional airworthiness certificates (transport category only).

5 Restricted Airworthiness Certificate.FAR 21.185(a), Aircraft manufactured under a production certificate or type certificate only;FAR 21.185(b), Other aircraft (surplus U.S. military aircraft or one previously type-certificated in another category); andFAR 21.185(c), Import aircraft (type-certificated in the restricted category in accordance with FAR 21.29).

6 Experimental Certificate.FAR 21.191(a), Research and development;FAR 21.191(b), Showing compliance with regulations;FAR 21.191(c), Crew training;FAR 21.191(d), Exhibition;FAR 21.191(e), Air racing;FAR 21.191(f), Market surveys;FAR 21.191(g), Operating amateur-built aircraft; andFAR 21.191(h), Operating kit-built aircraft (primary category aircraft assembled by a person(s) without the supervision and quality control of the production certificate holder). FAR 21.191(i), Operating LSA purpose under § 21.191(i)(1), (i)(2), or (i)(3).

7 Special Flight Permit. FAR 21.197(a)(1), Flying the aircraft to a base where repairs, alterations, or maintenance are to be performed, or to a point of storage; FAR 21.197(a)(2), Delivering or exporting the aircraft; FAR 21.197(a)(3), Production flight testing new production aircraft; FAR 21.197(a)(4), Evacuating aircraft from areas of impending danger;FAR 21.197 (a)(5), Conducting customer demonstration flights in new production aircraft that have satisfactorily completed production flight tests; and FAR 21.197(b), Operation of an aircraft at a weight in excess of its maximum certificated takeoff weight.

Item C. Multiple Airworthiness Certificates.These certificates are issued to an applicant in the restricted category and one or more other categories except the primary category. FAR 21.187 identifies the requirements an applicant must comply with before multiple airworthiness certificates are issued.


NOTE: Do not complete this section when application is being made for a special flight permit.

Registered Owner. Enter the name and address exactly as shown on the aircraft registration certificate. FAR 47 prescribes the requirements for registering aircraft.

If Dealer, Check Here. This block must be checked ONLY if the aircraft is registered under a dealer’s aircraft registration certificate.

Aircraft Certification Basis (Aircraft Specification or Type Certificate Data Sheet and/or Aircraft Listing Block, or Applicable Consensus Standard). This item must be completed when application is being made for a standard, primary, light-sport, provisional, limited, restricted, or multiple airworthiness certificate.

1 When application is being made for a multiple airworthiness certificate, enter the certification basis for each certificate being requested.

2 If the TCDS or specification for a new aircraft or model has been approved, but not yet published, enter the date of approval, the TC or specification number, and the word “Preliminary.”

3 When application is being made for an LSA airworthiness certificate, enter the applicable consensus standard for design and performance from the statement of compliance. If no statement of compliance exists for the aircraft, enter “N/A.”

4 Enter “N/A” when the application is being made for an experimental certificate.

Airworthiness Directives. This block must be completed to indicate compliance with all applicable ADs in accordance with part 39 and § 21.99, regardless of the type of airworthiness certificate being requested.

1 Enter the number of the last biweekly supplement to the summary of ADs available as of the date of application, for example, Biweekly 97-06, published on March 24, 1997. When an LSA is equipped with certificated equipment or appliances, use the applicable ADs for the certificated equipment and/or appliances.

2 For LSA, enter all applicable manufacturer safety directives available as of the date of application. If there are not any manufacturer safety directives, enter “NONE.”

Aircraft Listing. Enter “N/A.”

Supplemental Type Certificate. This block is applicable to all standard airworthiness certifications and special airworthiness certifications in the restricted, limited, provisional, and primary categories for aircraft with one or more STCs installed, and must be filled out at the time of application. The STC number of each STC installed must be entered. If more space is required, an attachment may be used.

NOTE: Enter “N/A” when the application is being made for an experimental certificate.

Aircraft Operation and Maintenance Records.

1 Check If Records Are in Compliance With § 91.417. This block applies to all aircraft covered by this section and must be checked to indicate that the recordkeeping requirements of FAR 91.417 have been met. For example, to comply with FAR 91.417(a)(2)(i), the aircraft maintenance record must include the total time-in-service of the airframe, engines, propellers, and rotor; and to comply with § 91.417(a)(2)(ii), the record must include the current status of the life-limited parts of the airframe, engines, propellers, rotor, and appliances. All record entries must be in English.

2 Total Airframe Hours. This block applies to all aircraft covered by this section. The total time-in-service of the aircraft, including production flight test time, should be entered.

3 Experimental Only. When submitting an application for the renewal of an experimental certificate, when requesting a change back to a standard certificate, or when requesting a change back to LSA category certificate, the hours flown since the previous certificate was issued or renewed must be entered. If the application is for an original issuance of an experimental certificate, enter “0.”

Certification. If the signature is by the owner’s agent, a notarized letter from the registered owner authorizing the agent to act on the owner’s behalf is required.

SECTION IV. INSPECTION AGENCY VERIFICATION. This section must be completed only if application is being made for a standard airworthiness certificate in accordance with FAR 21.183(d). This section must be left blank for all other certification actions.

NOTE: FAR 21.183(d)(2) states that an experimentally certificated aircraft that previously had been issued a different airworthiness certificate under FAR 21.183, and is being returned to the standard airworthiness category, is exempt from the 100-hour inspection set forth in FAR 43.15.

SECTION V. FAA REPRESENTATIVE CERTIFICATION. This section must be completed by the ASI or designee that inspects the aircraft and issues the certificate.

Check all applicable blocks in items A and B.

District Office. An ASI must enter the appropriate district or regional office designation. Designees and DOA manufacturers must enter the designation of the district office geographically responsible for monitoring their activities.

Designee’s Signature and No. For DOA manufacturers or DAS, enter the authorization number, preceded by “DOA” or “DAS” as applicable. The DMIR, DAR, DOA, or ODAR appointee signature must be signed in ink above the typed or printed name on the original and copy(ies). The typed name and signature must be legible and must not obliterate preprinted information on the FAA Form 8130-6.

ASI’s Signature. The ASI’s name must be typed or printed in this box with the signature above.

SECTION VI. PRODUCTION FLIGHT TESTING. This section must be completed only by a manufacturer applying for a special flight permit for the purpose of flight testing production aircraft under the provisions of FAR 21.197(a)(3). All required entries are self-explanatory.

NOTE: The requirements in this section for LSA production flight testing are only items A and C, with item B remaining blank.


Item A. Description of Aircraft. The entries in this section must be the same as the corresponding data recorded on the aircraft’s registration certificate and, as applicable, on the aircraft’s ID plate.

Item B. Description of Flight. Enter the present location of the aircraft in the From box and the aircraft’s intended destination in the To box.

1 The Via entry must contain the name of an airport or city at some intermediate point in the flight to provide a general description of the route flown. For example, a flight from Kansas City, Missouri, to Dallas, Texas, may be via Wichita, Kansas, and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in accordance with FAR 21.199(a)(2).

2 The Duration entry must reflect the overall duration of the special flight permit and need not be the same as the planned duration of the actual flight. Factors such as fueling stops, weather conditions, overnight stops, or any other reasonable condition must be given consideration when establishing the duration.

Item D. The Aircraft Does Not Meet the Applicable Airworthiness Requirements As Follows. This entry must specifically detail the conditions in which the aircraft does not comply with the applicable airworthiness requirements in accordance with FAR 21.199(a)(4).

Item E. The Following Restrictions Are Considered Necessary for Safe Operation. This entry must contain in detail the restrictions the applicant considers necessary for safe operation of the aircraft; for example, reduced airspeed or weight, turbulence avoidance, and flight crew member limitations or qualifications. This item must be carefully reviewed by the FAA to determine that the restriction would ensure safe operation of the aircraft. Any deficiencies must be resolved before issuance of the special flight permit. The FAA also may prescribe additional conditions and limitations deemed necessary for safe operation.

SECTION VIII. AIRWORTHINESS DOCUMENTATION. This section must be completed by the ASI or designee who inspects the aircraft and issues the airworthiness certificate. However, this section is not applicable when a special flight permit is being issued.

Item A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance with FAR 91.9, as Applicable. This block applies to all aircraft covered by this section. The FAA should check this block when an FAA-approved aircraft flight manual, listing of operation limitation, placards, etc., as applicable to the category of certificate requested, are in the aircraft in accordance with FAR 91.9.

Item B. Current Operating Limitations Attached. Check this block when operating limitations have been issued and a copy is attached for retention in the permanent record. (This applies to aircraft certificated in categories other than standard.)

Items C, D, and E. Self-explanatory.

Item F. This Inspection Recorded in Aircraft Records. The following is considered a satisfactory statement for the aircraft record entry: “I find that the aircraft meets the requirements for the certification requested and have issued a (standard) (special) airworthiness certificate dated _________ The next inspection is due _______. Signed: John Smith, Aviation Safety Inspector, SW-41.”

NOTE 1: The next inspection date is not necessary when the aircraft is under a continuous maintenance program.

NOTE 2: In the case of aircraft that had a previous due date, the date entered is the same. The aircraft gains no additional time because it was not in the standard category.

Item G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach When Required). Check the block to indicate Form 8130-9 or, when LSA, statement of compliance, Form 8130-15, and attach when required.

Item H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft (Attach When Required). Check the block to indicate that certification of another country is required for the certification action and that a copy is attached for retention in the aircraft’s permanent record.

Item I. Previous Airworthiness Certificate Issued in Accordance With 14 CFR or CAR. If applicable, enter the appropriate CFR or CAR under which the previous airworthiness certificate was issued, and check the block to indicate that the original of the certificate is attached. If the previously issued certificate is not available, the FAA should state the reason on an attachment.

Item J. Current Airworthiness Certificate Issuance in Accordance With 14 CFR. The applicable section of part 21, subpart H, must be entered, except that a DOA manufacturer must—

1 Enter FAR 21.183(a) or (b) for a standard airworthiness certificate, depending on whether the aircraft had been added to the PC under FAR 21.267, or under FAR 21.185 for a restricted category airworthiness certificate.

2 Add “per FAR 21.273,” to indicate the delegation authority.

Item K. Light-Sport Aircraft Statement of Compliance, Form 8130-15 (Attach When Required). Check the block to indicate that a completed applicable copy of the manufacturer’s statement of compliance, Form 8130-15, is attached for retention in the aircraft’s permanent record.

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Aircraft Registration

Experimental Amateur Built Certification